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Spring and
Business hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00a to 6:00p
Friday 9:00a - 12:00p
We are closed Monday - Thursday from 12:00p to 1:00p for lunch
Ready to get started? Let us walk you through the steps!
It's our goal to make the process as simple as possible.
Step 1 - Contact us
If you would like, we welcome you to schedule a tour of our facility so that you can see where your child will be receiving therapy. This is optional, you do not need to tour if you are ready to start the process. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 817-386-5500, should you still have questions.
Step 2 - Insurance check / Financial responsibility
You will need to fill out and return the Insurance Intake Form. This allows us to verify your benefits, prior to starting services. All insurance plans are different as to how many sessions they may allow, what the payment structure is, etc.
Once benefits have been verified, we will contact you to discuss your financial responsibility. This usually takes 1-2 business days.
We are IN-network with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and Cigna. We are OUT of network with all other insurance companies, including Tricare (Military).
As a courtesy, we file most insurance claims, per visit, so you can utilize your benefits.
We offer competitive self-pay rates also, if you do not have insurance coverage or choose not to use your insurance benefits. If an authorization needs to be obtained, we will do so prior to beginning therapy.
Step 3 - Schedule Evaluation / Complete New Patient Paperwork
Our staff will schedule your child for an evaluation after we have explained your benefits and financial responsibility to you.
Next, we will email you some forms to fill out about your child you so that your therapist will have knowledge of your child and your concerns prior to the start of the evaluation.
All new patient families must review and sign our new patient forms and return by fax at 817-367-9076 or email at BEFORE your child’s evaluation appointment.
Step 4 - Evaluation
Occupational therapy evaluation
We will conduct comprehensive testing consisting of various age-appropriate activities including, but not limited to, visual motor testing, balancing skills, self care skills, and sensory processing abilities. We will utilize standardize testing, unstructured play observations, and review patient intake forms to formulate a comprehensive understanding of your child.
Typically, an evaluation lasts approximately one hour. We do provide a more extensive test called the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) &/or The EASI, if we think it’s necessary. This evaluation will last 2-2.5 hours. The type of evaluation to be scheduled will be determined at the time of scheduling.
Speech/Feeding therapy evaluation
We will conduct comprehensive testing consisting of a complete language evaluation assessing receptive and expressive language skills, articulation evaluation to assess intelligibility of connected speech, fluency evaluation for stuttering concerns and sensory feeding assessment for picky eaters.
Step 5 - Parent Meeting / Review Evaluation / Caregiver Training
Once the evaluation report is completed, our office will contact you to schedule an appointment to come in and meet with the evaluating therapist in order to review the results and recommendations. This typically lasts approximately 30 minutes and your child does not need to be at this appointment.
Step 6 - Schedule treatment
Once the parent meeting is completed, we are ready to begin seeing your child for therapy!
You will schedule ongoing therapy appointments with our receptionist. We try to make it as easy as possible for you. All appointments are scheduled on the hour and most appointments last one hour. We are open Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.* during the school year. *Hours change during the summer.