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Spring and
Business hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00a to 6:00p
Friday 9:00a - 12:00p
We are closed Monday - Thursday from 12:00p to 1:00p for lunch
Myofunctional Therapy

What is an orofacial myofunctional disorder?
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are atypical, adaptive patterns that emerge in the absence of normalized patterns within the orofacial complex. The regular presence of these adaptive movements can often result in a variety of disturbances.
It is often difficult to isolate a particular source as the sole cause of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder and in most cases, it can be result of a combination of factors. Many experts suggest that OMDs may develop as a result from the following:
A restricted nasal airway due to enlarged tonsils/adenoids, deviated septum, and/or allergies
Improper oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking, cheek/nail/cuticle biting, teeth clenching/grinding, and tongue, lip or cheek sucking
Extended use of a pacifier and/or long-term use of sippy cups
Structural or physiological abnormalities which may include a short lingual frenum (tongue-tie)
Neurological deficits and developmental delays
Hereditary predisposition
What we offer:
We offer comprehensive evaluations to identify the underlying cause of the problems our clients are experiencing. Based on the results of the evaluation, we will create a personalized treatment plan to help each client make efficient and effective progress for the following areas:
Speech disorders
Open-mouth breathing
Thumb/Finger sucking
Abnormal oral motor movements
Goals of Treatment
Eliminate sucking habits
Facilitate normal growth and development leading to a stable oral environment
Creating an awareness of selected musculature
Reshaping/toning appropriate musculature
Developing normal neuromuscular functions
Restore normal rest posture of the tongue & lips
Eliminate/reposition a forward, interdental resting posture of the tongue
Work to achieve lip competence
Teach a functional, patent nasal breathing pattern
Retrain and eliminate an incorrect chewing pattern and swallow
Establish a routine to achieve habituation